Song Title:
Dashboard DevilsArtis/Band:
Channel ZeroAlbum:
At point black well you'll know
If you got the balls to win the show
So be aware, if you dare cause you're racin towards glory
Go on we're on the road
Don't give up never slow
Go on faster down that road
It's war on wheels
Sometimes we all need
Adrenaline to feed our greed
Feel free, what's more
To catch the big dollar fever
Go on we're on the road
Don't give up never slow
Go on faster dawn that road
It's war on wheel's
Something's going wrong now
I feel it
Pushing my luck over the edge
But I'm fucking fearless
Just a little bit faster
Database of Lyrics
Title : Channel Zero - Dashboard Devils Lyric
Description : Song Title: Dashboard Devils Artis/Band: Channel Zero Album: Unsafe Lyrics: At point black well you'll know If you got the balls to win...